
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Apple Pie Pork Loin?

Ott, A and I had so much fun during Canning Week, we didn't want the fun to stop! Every Tuesday, we'll be showing off recipes using great things we canned. Make sure to stop by Ott,A's blog to see what she's been up to!

Two things you should know about me, and have probably picked up on by now. We love pork...and apples! I started to make a pork loin the other day and cook it in some apples. To the pantry to I go! I grabbed a jar of what I thought was just canned apples and popped it open. That's when I realized my mistake. I had grabbed a jar of apple pie filling!!! Well, it IS apple, and I already had it open, so why not? 

I also added some Mrs. Dash in the red cap. I'm not really sure which variety that is. We go by color. As I normally do with a pork loin, I baked it at 250 for about 7 hours. 

I didn't tell the husband about the mistake. I just let him eat it. And much to my surprise, the cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices married quite well with the pork and Mrs. Dash! Even the husband commented on how much better it was this time than the last time I baked a pork loin in apples. I don't know that I will make it like this every time, but it certainly was good for a mistake!

Check out the great blogs below who also enjoy being creative with food they can!


  1. They always say we learn best by our mistakes! Glad it turned out so well. Now you have me thinking! ;-)

  2. Looks tasty - I'm sure the pie spices were great with naturally sweet pork! A very happy accident indeed!

  3. I am a new follower would love a follow back!!

    I am going to try this dish!! Looks yummy

  4. Well then I just might have to make this mistake on pupose some time in my crock pot.

  5. Sometimes our mistakes pay off. Thanks for sharing and linkin up to tasty tuesdays.
