
Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Guess It Runs in the Family

 Today was an awesome day. Let me back about 1992. That was the first time I picked up a stringed instrument. It was a cello to be exact. I played cello for 8 years. I loved it. I was even somewhat good at it. But, like a typical teenager, I quit after graduation. Somewhere during those last years of playing cello, my grannie showed me her dad's violin. From that day forward, I've wanted to play violin....that violin to be exact. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago.

Still thinking about that violin. I'm now a somewhat responsible adult so I'm working up the nerve to ask grannie for the violin. I knew better to ask for it before. I knew I had to show I was responsible enough to take care of something she cherished so much. For the last ten years, I've heard stories of her father playing that violin. Why are those memories so special to her? Well, there are many reasons. But I think one reason is because he bought it during the Great Depression. This was a time when food was rationed and there was no shortage of mouths to feed in her house. I can't even imagine making a choice between paying a bill or having an instrument. I'm glad he made that decision. Maybe that's a bit selfish, but I also think that piece of wood and the metal strings provided memories that have lasted 80 years. I'm getting off track here....back to asking grannie.

I decided that if I bought my own violin and showed an interest, it may convince her that  I was serious about playing. So I bought a violin last week. It came Thursday. I was so excited! I'd never played a violin before, so you can imagine the screeching sounds coming from my living room. My poor neighbors! Even the dog had a hard time taking the noise, and howled as I played. And as it turned out, I didn't even have to ask for the violin that belonged to my great-grandfather! As soon as Grannie got wind of my purchase, she decided maybe I should have it. I was ECSTATIC! I don't think words can describe it. 

So now I have my new violin (and yes, it's BLUE). And I also have the violin I've been practically drooling over for the last several years.

 When I pulled it out of the case today, all I had to do was rosin the bow up a bit and tune the violin and it was perfectly playable. The chin rest is hard carved out of wood. It was such a cool feeling to put my chin down on that piece of wood. I could almost feel the electricity of the former player flowing through me. And I like to think I brought some happy memories back to my grannie as I sat and played her dad's violin in her living room.

So now I'm back home, with both violins.

 The past meets the present and the cycle continues. The kids have decided they may want to learn to play the violin. I am so happy I have the opportunity to teach them as I learn. After two days of playing, I'm happy to report I can now play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Amazing Grace (kinda), Yankee Doodle, Ode to Joy and a few other beginner songs. Anybody know a violin teacher around here??

Make sure to visit the fantastic blog parties on my sidebar, and of course, link up all your made from scratch recipes on my Tuesday linky-Made From Scratch Tuesday!



  1. That's awesome! You should look up Ms. Levin. I know she retired, but I bet she still does private lessons. :)

  2. How wonderful! What a great gift. I love the violin. Our daughter plays it beautifully, but she now is occupied with a baby boy. :-)

  3. Must be something in the air - just bought my 8 year old a violin and he started lessons last week - he has been begging for a year now!
    What a great piece of family history you have both the violin and the stories!
    Have fun playing!

  4. How fun! You Go Girl! Now, are you going to play violin music, or will you switch gears every now and then and play fiddle music? I love bluegrass music!
