
Monday, January 30, 2012

Made From Scratch Tuesday 1/31

There's really nothing I love more than a good steak. Usually, I only season our steaks with sauteed onions and garlic, and salt and pepper. I was feeling adventurous tonight, so I made up a batch of steak seasoning loaded with flavor. This will make quite a bit, so save the leftovers in a jar with a tight lid.

What you'll need:
3 T salt
1 T royal peppercorns (or you can use just black peppercorns)
1 T onion flakes
1/2 T garlic powder
1/2 T crushed red pepper flakes
1 T savory
1 T rosemary
2 t fennel seed

Combine all in a spice grinder and grind to a smooth powder. Rub over steaks and cook to desired doneness.

Now it's time to link up all of your creations!
Here are the rules:
1. You can link up as many posts as you'd like.
2. The post has to be made from scratch.
3. The post you link up MUST CONTAIN A RECIPE! 
4. If you want to put my button somewhere, that'd be cool. You can grab the code for the Made From Scratch Tuesday button on the top right of my sidebar.



  1. Hi,'
    I shared my video for making milk kefir.

  2. Thanks for hosting. I shared my cultured citrus recipe.

  3. Thanks for hosting!!

    ~Mrs. T (
