
Monday, January 27, 2014

Old Man Winter....Time to Go!!

Winter....go away. It's been fun, but I'm seriously over the "polar vortex", unrelenting winds and snow. My chickens are over you too. On the days they decide to actually lay eggs, they freeze before I can even get to them.

Well, until winter listens to me, we have to make some temporary housing arrangements for the poultry.

With snow drifts like this, I can't even get into the run without shoveling around the gate. 

And the chickens won't leave the safety of the coop with this much snow on the they will be relocated to indoor accommodations. 

It's not exactly the Ritz, but see the eggs above? That's always our first indication they're happy with the living quarters. And our rooster, Deuce Bigelow, seems to relax more when he's inside.

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