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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Betty Crocker Mac and Cheese

Last week, I got a surprise at my door

We're a big mac and cheese family, so I couldn't wait to try it out. Tonight for dinner, we were having bbq pork, so it seemed like a great time to check out the new mac and cheese. 

I let the youngest (8 years old) make it. The instructions were pretty easy so no problems there! (Don't mind my messy kitchen )

Note: When the box says to stir frequently, they aren't kidding! We had some pasta stick to the bottom of the pan, but we made a full recovery! 

I wasn't too sure about this stuff because you don't drain the pasta. I'm usually not a fan of that because sometimes you end up with a weird texture. It looked good, so I gave it a try. 

The verdict? The kid really liked it. She gave it a big thumbs up. The husband liked it. He said it was really cheesy. I thought it was ok. It would lend itself well to add-ins like bacon or broccoli. It was really cheesy and the pasta had some substance, which I like. I will probably make it again, adding some broccoli next time. We tried the regular mac and cheese this time, and we're looking forward to trying the other varieties. 

As a member of the Hamburger Helper community, I occasionally receive products free of charge. The information and above product have been provided free of charge by Betty Crocker and General Mills through MyInsite. However, the opinions in this blog post are those of myself and my family.