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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Vitaminwater Active

I received free samples and coupons as part of a MyMagazine Sharing campaign for Vitaminwater Active. The thoughts and opinions expressed below are my own. 

When I first saw the Vitaminwater Active samples and coupons, my first thought was my husband because he is a construction worker and we go through tons of gatorade. So. Much. Gatorade. I let him try the first bottle after work one day. He had the orange mango flavor.

He really liked it, so we went back to try other flavors.

My daughter is six months old, but let's be honest.....I'm not back into my workout routine yet. But, I do drink Body Armor a few days a week to help with staying hydrated because, well, breastfeeding. There are those that swear by blue gatorade or red body armor, or standing on your head while drinking cucumber infused goes on and on. It comes down to hydration though. I drank the strawberry black cherry variety and it is delicious! The lemon was ok - probably not ever going to be my pick.

Now, my pump bag looks something like this when we're out and about:

During my IVF process, I was considered "high risk" for ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome. One of the nurses told me that if I drank electrolyte beverages along with a high protein diet before and during that whole process, I could alleviate some of the worst symptoms. So last year, I spent nearly three months living on vitaminwater - as in at least three of them a day. And I liked those a lot, but the strawberry vitaminwater active is my new favorite! I still ended up with OHS last year, but even though my ovaries were so big they were touching (OUCH!!!!) I was able to avoid hospitalization and draining of fluid. Obviously, we can't be certain the vitaminwater kept me out of the hospital, but I do think it absolutely helped to balance the electrolytes in my body.