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Monday, February 11, 2019

New Year, New You - MyMagazine Sharing Network

My most recent MyMagazine Sharing opportunity came last month, but I've been waaay behind in sharing my thoughts on everything! Between post holiday catching up and planning a one year old's birthday party (that got snowed out), I've barely been able to keep my head above water, but I certainly want to share our thoughts on all these great products! 

My kit included

  • ONE (1) Sample Pack of Nature Made® Multi Adult Gummies, 2 ct.
My thoughts: I have been taking prenatals for years (from fertility treatments processes, pregnancy, and currently breastfeeding) so I passed these along to my aunt. She liked them - said they had a great flavor. 

  • ONE (1) Osteo Bi-Flex® Ease, 7 ct.
My thoughts: This isn't a product that I would normally use, so I passed this along to a neighbor who was very appreciative. 

  • ONE (1) Sample of Sensodyne® Rapid Relief Mint Toothpaste
My thoughts: I really like sensodyne products, but for some reason don't buy them very often? I enjoyed it and will definitely buy it 

  • ONE (1) 16 Day Trial of Metamucil®
My thoughts: Again, not a product I'd need, but I passed it along to my uncle who uses it every day and couldn't believe I didn't want to try it. He told me all the benefits he sees from the product, and honestly could have been a walking commercial for it! 

  • ONE (1) ChapStick® Total Hydration Lip Balm
My thoughts: Nearly had to fight my husband for this one! We both love it and constantly steal it from each other!!

  • ONE (1) Sample of One A Day® Nature’s Medley Multivitamin
My thoughts: I have been taking prenatals for years (from fertility treatments processes, pregnancy, and currently breastfeeding) so I passed these along

  • ONE (1) Sample of Listerine® Ready! Tabs™, 8 ct.
My thoughts: These were weird. Overall, in a pinch (such as right before a big meeting or may be an interview), I'd definitely use them because they are very effective. But they were not enjoyable at all. 

  • ONE (1) $2 Coupon for any ONE (1) Pedialyte® AdvancedCare™ Plus Product
My thoughts: I have purchased the product, but I haven't had to use it yet. Having a toddler at home, I always keep Pedialyte on hand. 

My favorite product was absolutely the chap stick!! Seriously, best chap stick I've ever had! I'm a big fan of making my own because I have a hard time finding something that is moisturizing and lasts more than 10 minutes. This one does it all! Highly recommend! 

While we were given free samples and discounts on products mentioned above, the opinions are our own.