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Monday, September 19, 2011

Made From Scratch Tuesday 9/20

Instead of sharing a recipe with you all today, I'm going to share a story. I'm part of an amazing group of women called the Real Farmwives of America and Friends. And as we speak (type, read...whatever the case may be), one of these ladies is battling for her life right now.

Leontien, from Four Leaf Clover Dairy, is battling cancer, again. And to show her how much we love her, and are praying for her, we're giving her a "love bomb". So go visit her blog, read about her panties (you'll understand when you see it!), visit the Facebook Page, tweet her a message (#Power2Panties), anything you can to show some love for Leontien!

4 comments: said...

HI Jen,
I shared my brisket with natural gravy. I'll head over to your friend's blog now!

Lisa~~ said...

Sending good thoughts and wishes for your friend.

Cook Lisa Cook

Christy @ Tools for Kitchens said...

Hi, Jen. Thanks for sharing your friend's message with us. Today, I shared two recipes: Pennsylvania Dutch wet bottom shoo-fly pie and Lithuanian kugelis. Thank you for hosting!

toolsforkitchens said...

Hi, Jen. I am sharing a recipe for ambrosia today. This is a super quick recipe and the ambrosia is divine. Thank you for hosting us!