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Monday, April 18, 2011

Made From Scratch Tuesday 4/19

 One of the great things about living in Indiana is the abundance of agriculture. I'm lucky enough to work with and get to know several producers and even luckier to be able to buy great products from them. (Although, chances are if I buy meat at my local grocery store, there's a pretty good chance it came from one of them!) Recently, the husband and I bought a hind quarter of beef. I love buying in bulk! And I really love having a freezer full of beef! When we picked up the meat from the processor, they also gave us a few packages of beef liver. Now, I'm no fan of liver. But the husband loves it. In the nearly 5 years we've been married, I've never cooked liver for him. Well, I guess it's about time I expanded my culinary boundaries. Here goes...

Liver and Onions
I started by soaking the liver in milk for a few hours. After all of my online research, that seemed to be a common method of preparation.
For the onions, I sliced them up and sauteed them in a couple tablespoons of butter.
 When they became translucent, take them out of the pan and onto a plate.
Now for the liver....ewwwww! After soaking, I drained the milk and coated the livers in flour, salt and pepper. Then I put them in the pan the onions were in.
I cooked them for a few minutes on each side, until they were browned. Then place on top of the onions.

I really wish I could get excited about this, but truth be told, I didn't even try it. The husband said it was good! What about you? Does your family eat liver? How do you prepare it?

What have you been making this week?

Here are the rules:
1. You can link up as many posts as you'd like.
2. My only content rule is it has to be made from scratch.
3. If you want to put my button somewhere, that'd be cool. You can grab the code for the Made From Scratch Tuesday button on the top right of my sidebar.
p.s. Does your recipe include Baking Powder? If so, check out Ott,A's Iron Chef Challenge sponsored by Clabber Girl!



Leontien said...

no liver for this girl! my mom and dad love it though!


Joyfull said...

I remember my mom and aunt cooking it and how bad it smelled. Never could get past the taste of it! Thankfully, my husband doesn't like it either!!

Jill said...

I shared my instructions for bringing a chicken, naturally dyed Easter Eggs and an article. I hope you like them! The liver looks great!

PinayinTexas said...

Yes, my husband & I both eat liver. We grew up in the Philippines and almost all Filipinos eat liver. It tastes good when grilled, fried or cooked in lemon and soy sauce with lots of onions! But I don't like it when becomes chalky in texture.

I'm linking up my pickled green papaya which can be served with fried or grilled liver. :)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

I'm definitely not a fan of liver either. I remember my mom cooking it for my dad & brother and I would eat something else! It was nice of you to cook something for the hubs that you don't even like :)

Amanda said...

Liver is a no here. But that was awfully sweet of you to cook it for him. I'm in awe. I won't even touch it at the grocery store!

Sarah said...

My dad made us eat liver and onions (and a bunch of other not so good things) when we were kids but no, I do not like it. I don't even like onions! You are a great wifey to cook it for him!

I will have to join the made from scratch Tuesday next week!

Sarah from The House That Ag Built

Jane said...

Hi Jen,
I grew up with Liver and Onions but I never think to make it. My family wouldn't go for it.

I added my Tomato soup recipe today. Thanks for hosting!

Swathi said...

Liver and onion sounds delicious. Linked my Mexican scrambled eggs

Sarah said...

Found you from RFOA website. I have never had liver and onions...I am a new follower.

Amber said...

Liver and onions was one of my dad's specialties growning up and I inheirted his recipe. I melt half a stick of salted butter in a BIG skillet, coat the liver in a flour/salt/pepper mixture, brown on both sides then remove from the pan and lay down a layer of onions, put liver back in and cover with more onions. Fill the skillet almost the top with water and simmer for an hour, until the water is almost all gone. It is so tender and yummy! The "livery" taste so man people hate is taken away and just leaves you with a nice beefy flavor!