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Monday, February 7, 2011

Made From Scratch Tuesday 2/8

So this last week, we were dealing with ICEPOCALYPSE 2011. With the looming fear of losing power, I was cooking up a storm so we'd have food in case I was without my stove for a few days. I baked a couple of loaves of bread to get us through. (What's new, right?) Now, I'm sitting here with bread we need to eat, but honestly, I'm kinda tired of sandwiches and I have a hard time getting motivated on Saturdays when we don't have kids, so it looks like we've found a solution! Stuffed French Toast! The best part about this is you put it all together the night before. Then you just pop it in the oven the next morning. 

What You'll Need:

Slices of bread (amount will vary depending on the size of pan and number of layers)
4 oz mascarpone cheese
1 jar peach marmalade (amount needed will depend on number of layers you choose)
4 eggs
1 to 2 cups milk (depending on how eggy you like your french toast)
1 T vanilla

Start by mixing the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Dredge bread slices through mixture and lay in the bottom of a glass baking dish.

In a separate bowl, whisk 4 oz mascarpone cheese and at least one cup peach marmalade. Pour this mixture over first layer of bread.

Add a second layer of bread that has been dredged through milk/egg mixture. Then top with additional peach marmalade, if desired. We did this because it added extra sweetness and cut out the need to add syrup after we baked it.

Then top with another layer of bread and sprinkle some cinnamon.

Cover and refrigerate overnight. The next morning, bake at 375 for 45 minutes. It's a no brainer the next morning! 

What goodies have you been cooking up this week? 
Here are the rules:
1. You can link up as many posts as you'd like.
2. My only content rule is it has to be made from scratch.
3. If you want to put my button somewhere, that'd be cool. You can grab the code on the top right of my sidebar.


Have you linked up with Decidedly Healthy or Horridly Decadent recipe linky? I've been linking mine up for a couple of weeks now and have found some FANTASTIC recipes! These ladies sure know how to make a fantastic dish!
Would you like your recipe linky to be showcased on Made From Scratch Tuesday? Email me at jenperfla (at) gmail (dot) com. 


Amee said...

Hi, I look forward to seeing you at Have a super week. :)

Karen said...

Hi, Jen. I'm always looking for new ways to make French toast and yours sounds scrumptious. Gonna give it a try. I especially love that it can be made the night before-great for when we have guests. Stopping by for Mouthwatering Mondays hop. blessings on your day!

Katerina said...

Mmm, these French toasts sound pretty decadent! Thanks for hosting!

City Share said...

I have been loving my french toast lately, but I have not stuffed it. This looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Thanks for hosting the blog hop.

Phoebe @ GettingFreedom said...

Oh my goodness, does that ever look good! Question--I've tried to find mascrapone cheese in my very rural area before, and I just can't. Is there a substitute? Cream Cheese, or Neufactel (sp?) maybe?

Cranberry Morning said...

I'm agreeing, that looks delicious. Love marmalade! Looks like dessert to me. I'm not familiar with mascarpone cheese. I don't think it's a Wisconsin cheese - must be Italian?

Donna said...

This looks delicious! I can't wait to try it.


Lisa said...

funny that you posted this b/c I was just thinking about making french toast this week! YUM!

Miz Helen said...

Hi Jen,
Who wouldn't just love waking up to this wonderful stuffed French Toast. Thank you for sharing and hosting us today. Have a great week!

Ross said...

This looks fantastic and I plan on making it. You have a great site and seeing as I love food plan to come back often. I found you through FTLOB Tasty Tuesday. I was wondering if you'd add my button to your site?

Susie Buetow said...

Howdy! I'm stopping in on the Tuesday Blog it Forward. I posted your button on my blog post with my made from scratch bread, following you on GFC and FB!
Have a super day!

Anonymous said...

Hi there
I'm stopping by from the Tuesday hops to follow and say hello.
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH! That looks soooo good. I haven't have French toast of any kind in forever thanks to my lovely weight issues. DANG! I many have to do more time on the treadmill after seeing this recipe!

Jami - XOimagine said...

OMG. Looks so good.

Hop on by when you get a chance!

xo - jami
i m a g i n e

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

YUMMY! I bet my family would love this!

Andrea (Andreas Kitchen) said...

I worked at a restaurant years ago that had stuffed french toast on it's brunch menu. Their version wasn't quite as decadent because it didn't have the marscapone. They gave a choice of orange marmalade or strawberry jam filling- yum!
I am sharing my recipe for Meyer Lemon Curd Thumbprint Cookies. I had forgotten how easy it is to make lemon curd! This cookie recipe is gluten free, but it can be made with "regular" flour if you don't have issues with gluten.
Thanks for hosting!

Amy said...

Yum! I love stuffed French toasts! I always make the fillings with ornage marmalade and cream cheese! Hm...your version sound really delicous too and I'm going to try it soon!


Anonymous said...

To die for!! Looks heavenly.


Unknown said...

oh my...this looks fabulous... homemade bread and that peach marmalade...are you kidding me? i almost licked my screen :) thank you for sharing this with tuesday night supper club!

The Treasurista said...

Hop on over to the Party! Would love for you to link-up @

The Treasurista
Finding and Creating FUN things...