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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Greek Lamb Chops

Ott,A  is at it again with another Iron Chef Challenge! This month is sponsored by American Lamb. Last year, the husband and I made it our mission to try one new food a week. Lamb came up during the summer, so this was actually our second time eating lamb. We enjoyed the first time, so the husband was really excited to see what I was going to create this time.

I started with this recipe, but altered it and used it as a marinade.

Here's what I used:

4 lamb chops (provided by Ott,A)
Salt and pepper
Garlic (I had small cloves, so I used two)
Lemon Juice
Olive oil

Combine all ingredients in ziploc bag and marinate 4 hours.

Later that night, I got out my grill and put the lamb chops on.
After a few minutes, I flipped them over and sprinkled with feta cheese.

The acid from the lemon juice really cut through the meat making it so tender! It practically fell apart in my mouth! We paired these with a spinach salad and rosemary potatoes. It was a delicious dinner we both enjoyed.

A big thanks to Ott, A and American Lamb for sponsoring this event!

Make sure to visit the fantastic blog parties on my sidebar, and of course, link up all your made from scratch recipes on my Tuesday linky-Made From Scratch Tuesday!



Ott, A. said...

That looks delish! And, I bet the rosemary potatoes tasted great with it as rosemary is good compliment for lamb. Tahnks for linking up!

mark.-Makeup,Beauty,Fun said...

Now following your wonderful blog from Surfin' Saturdays blog hop! Would love a follow back:

Naturally Me Creations said...

Tnx for stopping by and linking this up at my party! :)

Turning the Clock Back said...

YUM! You should come link this up to my Whats Cooking Wednesday linky next week!

I am a new follower via GFC from the SUnday Social blog hop. Hope you are having a great weekend! Would love for you to come follow back if you get the chance!


Casey said...

Looks great! Just hopped in hope you have a chance to stop by I am your newest follower

AMY said...

Love your Blog!
I'm a new follower from Say HI Sunday.
Amy's Life @

Karen said...

So glad I found you through the bloghop-- Loving this blog. Hoping you'll stop by and follow me back.

Anonymous said...

Now folowing from Lets get Social Sunday Hop
Would love a follow back

TexaGermaFinlaNadian said...

Ohhh, these look great! I love greek food!
Stopped by from Say Hi Sunday. Love you sight, have a great one!

My Boss is Teething said...

These look so good!

I found you through a blog hop - following you now!

Marcie @ DWYH said...

Yum, feta cheese on top! Thanks for linking up at Unwasted Homemaking Party :)!

1stopmom said...

I have never tried lamb chops before. These really look good. Thanks so much for sharing this.

Unknown said...

Following you via Making Friends Monday. Hope you will follow me too @

Miz Helen said...

Hi Jen,
Your Chops look so good, I will have to try your recipe. Thank you for sharing and you have a nice day!

Debra Chapoton, author said...

I love lamb, but so rarely cook it. Thanks for the recipe.
Visiting from Edge of Escape

jen said...

Good to know about the lemon juice....i didn't know that!!

Thanks for riding the train today!
Now following so I don't miss any of the good stuff!!
The Survival Mama


Well, I have never actually cooked lamb chops. Maybe I will be brave enough to try it with your recipe. It looks really simple and good.

Melissa said...

Wow, these look great! Thanks for sharing. I am your newest follower from FMBT and I love your blog! You can find me at:

Have a great day! :-)


Unknown said...

New GFC follower from Welcome Wednesday, I'd love a follow back if you get the chance.

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

These are seriously making my mouth water! Yummy!

Thanks so much for dropping by the Be-Bop-A Blog Hop! I'm a follower and I hope you'll stop by again soon! Have a great day! :)

Unknown said...

lamb, rosemary and feta cheese--yum! like an evening in the greek isles. thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club!