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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Almost Homemade Dinner

The other day at the store, I saw this little pouches of tortellini. The package claims to be "Dinner for 2 in 10 minutes".

Hmm...Dinner for 2...have you met my husband? He eats enough for at least 3, and I don't think he'd let me fix another meal without meat, so time to spice it up a bit!

I stared out by cooking some chicken tenderloins seasoned with some italian seasonings.

While the chicken is cooking away, time to chop up some tomatoes and pull out the spinach. We're kind of on a spinach kick since I bought the big bag and I refuse to let it go bad! 

This is a multitasking meal, so we also have to get the tortellini going. These little guys start out tiny, but double in size. Make sure you use a large pot so there's plenty of room for them to float about. 

When the chicken is cooked, chop that into bite size pieces. Using the same pan you cooked the chicken in, toss in the spinach and tomatoes and wilt the spinach. You don't want it to cook too much at this point, so just a few minutes on the heat, then turn the burner off, but leave the pan on the stove. Add the chicken back to the pan.

When the tortellini is cooked, use a slotted spoon and move it to the skillet. It's ok if you get a bit of the water in there. 

Remember the stuffed pasta?  Well, I had some of the spinach and ricotta cheese mixture left over, so this seemed like a great place to use it up. Stir in a few spoonfuls of the deliciousness to the pasta mix. 

Add another spoonful to the plate when you serve it! 

So the "Dinner for 2 in 10 minutes" ended up taking a bit longer, but on the bright side, not only was it dinner for the two of us, but there's plenty left over. And I didn't have to hear about fixing another meatless meal!


Cranberry Morning said...

Looks good! I love the addition of spinach and ricotta!

floweringmama said...

Hey that is very creative!
Cathy @ Country Cathy

Amanda said...


Hollywood Paws said...

I tried a similar recipe a while ago and it was amazing. Put the recipe in your favorites and try it out! You won't be disappointed.

April J Harris said...

This looks like a lovely meal - and the spinach is so good for you too! Thank you so much for linking up with Feed Me Tweet Me Follow Me Home. I've followed you on Twitter :) Have a lovely weekend!

Amber said...

Looks pretty good!

Jaimee @ Havenwood House of Boys said...

This looks yummy! And quick and easy, too - bonus! I doubt my kids would eat it, but I know my husband and myself would : )

Alisha K said...

I am a new follower from Stepping By Saturday. I would love a follow back at

Anonymous said...

Jen - love spinach so this look pretty appetizing.

Amee said...

Hi, I followed you on twitter :) Amee from Madame

Lindsey said...

That looks so good!!

Amanda said...

Wow... that looks yummy! I never would have thought to add some of this to simple pasta.

Night Owl Mama said...

doe that ever look delicious. and healthy too. Thanks for the idea.
stopping by for comment love chat hope you will too
following you as well :D

Hot Mess Mom said...

Ohmygosh this looks so good!

I'm your newest follower from Swingin' by Sunday! I'd love for you to swing on over to my blog and follow back! :)

malia said...

newest follower here! would love for you to consider following me back.

Jana said...

Looks yummy!!

Leah Beyer said...

I would love to make this for supper, but I think I need to wait till a night the hubby is gone. This might be way too green for him. The kids and I thank you for sharing!