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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Banana Eclairs


If you've made a New Year's resolution to diet, lose weight, cut back, or anything of the sort, TURN BACK NOW! I guarantee these will kill any diet plan! These little bits of heaven pack a whopping 361 calories each.

If you're still with me, get out your pastry bag and be prepared to enter bliss.

The husband wanted dessert tonight.  But he couldn't figure out what sounded good to him, so he said "surprise me". I hate that. Just tell me what to make! So, off to the cookbooks I go. Eh, nothing sounded good. But wait! What's this? Cream Puffs? Hmmm....eclairs are basically long cream puffs with chocolate on top. So, Eclairs it is!

What you'll need:
1 c water
1/2 c butter
1/8 t salt
1 c flour
3 eggs
banana pudding
chocolate glaze

In a 2 qt saucepan, combine water, butter and salt. Bring to a boil and add flour, all at once. Stir well until all flour is incorporated and the dough forms a large ball. Set aside and cool for exactly 10 minutes.

Add in eggs, one at a time. Stir until fully combined.

Add dough to pastry bag. Pipe onto lined baking sheet. You'll want each one to be about 1 inch wide, 3/4 inch tall and 4 inches long.

Bake at 400 about 32 minutes. Tops will be brown and firm.

Cool completely. Cut  length wise, or if you prefer to fill them, cut off the ends. 

Fill the pastry bag with banana pudding and use a medium-large round tip. Fill each eclair with banana pudding, then top with chocolate glaze. Refrigerate at least one hour. It's usually best to taste test one before serving to guests :)

I'm pretty sure I just found heaven in my kitchen, eclair form!


Unknown said...


Cranberry Morning said...

You are amazing. Those look delicious, way more than Ben & Jerry's. I've never made eclairs, but this post makes me think about it, and that's definitely closer than I've been before. :-)

floweringmama said...

Holy Moly! Your husband was right when he said "surprise me". Those look amazing!!

Reba said...

OMG - those look delish! There goes the diet.

Unknown said...

Those look so yummy!!!

I'm stopping by from the Swingin' By Sunday blog hop! I'm following you and I would love it if you'd come visit me and follow back!

Tamara from Swagtastic Mama

Katherine said...

droooolllll......Hopping over to say hello and wishing you a peaceful Sunday. Hugs, Katherine

Mika said...

Oh my gosh! Those look wonderful!
I'm following from the blog hop.
I'd love a follow back at

Nancy said...

I love Eclairs! I'm an new follower form Pink Dandy blog hop. I'd love a follow back.
Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe!

Unknown said...

Oh wow do those look just so delicious!! I woke up today with the song by Black Eyed Peas - Delicious in my head now knowing why? Well,.. I come across your blog and now I know hehe. I'm a new follower and look forward to what's next!!

Stop bye and visit if you have a moment.

Unknown said... good and yummy these must be

Hi there Im now following you from the welcome weekend blog hop..Id love for you to follow me back as well if you could at

Amy from GrinningCheektoCheek said...

Wow.. Those look amazing!
Stopping by and following for the Blog Hop!
Please visit me at!


Laura Everyday Edits said...

I am your newest follower on Monday's blog hop. yummy post! please follow me back at


Prathima Rao said...

Totally droolworthy!!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Oh wow I've always wanted to try to make them, but my piping bag skills suck.

They look fab! I'm a new follower :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! So glad I found your blog, I deeply need help with cooking!
Following you from the blog hop! Please take a minute and Follow me back at:

Thank you so much!

Brittany @ Real Sustenance said...

These look AMAZING! Love that you included the Banana.. Which is why they caught my attention.
Wanted to invite you to participate in Next Weeks Seasonal Sunday Event that I host. This recipe fits into the theme perfectly!

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

My husband says that all the time to me when I ask him what we should have for dinner. These look delicious.

MrsJenB said...

WOW! I have never tried creampuffs or eclairs but you make it look so easy I have to give it a shot!! I can see how one would enter a blissful state when eating them...I'm halfway there just looking at them!

Visiting from Tasty Tuesday!

annies home said...

these sound so delicious and I loved seeing all the wonderful pictures in your post

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

You made this fancy dessert look easy! I want to try it!

Thanks so much for linking up to Tasty Tuesdays.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

OH, yum! These look divine! :)

Marie said...

Fabulous - yummy, yum, yum!! I'm a new follower dropping by from the Tuesday Train.

Would love for you to give my food blog a visit!
http://thatgirlcancook.blogspot (and if you'd be willing to share any of these recipes with our readers, I'd love to feature you & some of your recipes).


Marcie @ DWYH said...

Yum, yum, yum! These look so delish :). Thanks for linking up, hope to see you next Monday!

Kitty Deschanel said...

I appreciate your warning at the top! Still, calories or not, I can't resist these :)

Unknown said...

Honoring The King

The Mixing Bowl Diary said...

oh man, my kids LOVE eclairs. I might just have to make these pronto!! (thanks for stopping by)!!